How to keep your pool clean between service visits

Even when you’re using professional pool cleaning services, there are a few maintenance tasks you should be doing between visits to keep your pool in peak swimming condition! Weekly pool maintenance keeps your pool from deteriorating in between cleanings.

Luckily, these tasks are all very simple and easy to perform. If you have any questions, just ask your Environments pool tech next time they’re at your house!

Skim the surface regularly

Use a skimmer (a net on a long pole) to remove leaves, pollen, bugs, and other debris from the surface of your pool water. Skim your pool every day to keep the unwanted debris from settling on the pool floor. Leaving debris can lead to decomposition, murky water, and staining. They can also clog your filters and drains, making it harder for your water to flow freely.

Brush the Sides and Pool Floor

Use a soft pool brush to prevent algae or other build-up like calcium deposits on the walls or bottom of the pool.

Clean the tiles and the grout between them with a soft bristle scrub brush.

Check your pH Levels

The pH level refers to the alkalinity of your pool as well as the calcium level. It is important to keep your pH level in check because it can mess with the effectiveness of your chlorine and the way your pool runs overall.

Pool experts recommend a pH level between 7.2 and 7.8. If your pH is high, chlorine becomes less active. You’ll end up using more chlorine to keep your water clean.

Add Chlorine

Of course, your pool needs chlorine (unless you have a saltwater pool or a chlorine generator). If your pool is lacking chlorine, algae and bacteria may start showing up in the water which is both unsightly and unsanitary.

Ideal chlorine levels are at 1 and 4 ppm. Set a reminder for yourself to add chlorine on a regular schedule to keep your pool chemicals at an ideal level.

Clean Filter

Keeping the filter clean makes it easier to keep your pool clean. If it gets clogged up, your water will start looking murky and stagnant.

If your pool service doesn’t do this for you, you should clean the filter at least once a month. The best method is to let it soak in a cleaning solution and rinse well with the hose.

Maintain Water Level

Is your water level too high or too low? It’s important that it is just right–at the center of the pool skimmer. This is the level where the pool pump and filter operate at their best.

If your water level is too low, you run the risk of burning up the pump. If it’s too high, dirt and debris will stay on top of the water and not go into the skimmer.

If you have any questions about pool maintenance, or if you need to schedule pool cleaning services, contact Environments! We’d love to set up a recurring pool maintenance service. We also offer customized pool chemical cocktails! Just bring a sample of your water into the store, and we’ll analyze it and provide you with the chemicals you need.


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